Search Results
Senate Session 2011-07-30 (19:32:10-20:34:21)
Senate Session 2011-07-30 (20:34:01-21:34:34)
Senate Session 2011-07-30 (14:04:03-15:13:47)
Senate Session 2011-07-21 (10:53:37-11:46:53)
Senate Session 2011-07-28 (11:07:13-12:14:54)
Senate Session 2011-03-07 (16:02:57-17:09:04)
Reid: Norquist Leads GOP Like Puppets
Grover Norquist Testifies to the Obama Deficit Commission
The Default Crisis and the Path Ahead
Grover Norquist on FOX Lou Dobbs - discussing Boehner and debt ceiling
Tom Urges Senate Defeat of "Cut, Cap and Kill Medicare" Measure
Grover Norquist - DC Celeb Comic